Childhood Anxiety

Childhood Anxiety is overwhelming for children and their parents. Does your child struggle with:

  • Refusal to participate in activities, even those they are likely to enjoy?
  • Seeming controlling, irritable, or rigid in an attempt to control situations so that they feel safe?
  • Frequent worries and 'what-if' questions?
  • Physical symptoms of anxiety, like headaches, nausea, or aches and pains?

Is it difficult to know when to push your child to face their fears or when to let them leave or quit?

We can help! 
 We have extensive experience using Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to treat 
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Separation Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) and Selective Mutism, and Specific Phobias (e.g., fears of dogs, insects, flying, etc).  School refusal is also a common issue for some anxious children.

Our Goals:

  • Help parents learn to coach children through anxious situations
  • Help children and teens recognize physical signs of anxiety and their specific anxiety triggers
  • Build a toolbox of skills that allows children to 'be brave' and engage in the situations or activities that they have been avoiding
  • Help parents and children work as a team to conquer fear and worry